Thursday, April 12, 2007

MENTAL ILLNESS: Just The Facts, Ma'am...

Mental illness: is it an intellectual disability or brain damage?
NO. It is an illness just like any other: heart disease, diabetes, asthma.

Is it incurable and lifelong?
NO. With effective, on-going treatment, an individual may lead an everyday life

Are people born with a mental illness?
The causes are unclear. A predisposition to some mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, can run in families. Many other factors can contribute to the onset of a mental illness in people with a predisposition such as stress, bereavement, relationship breakdown, child abuse, unemployment, social isolation and times of accidents and life-threatening illness.

Mental Illness – is it catching?
YES. Studies show one in five Americans will develop a mental illness during their lifetime. And, using the expression ‘nervous breakdown’ is far preferable to being identified ‘mentally ill’.
Are people with a mental illness dangerous?
NO. This is an unfair and false perception.

Should we segregate these people in the community?
NO. So many people with mental illness receive a bad rap and seem to take a place on the back burner as far as medical care goes. Not all cities/towns are alike, however, when funding is sought, the mentally ill seem to come in last. Only a few people who need hospital care, are hospitalized against their will. To reiterate – people with mental illness are not dangerous, but sadly it still leads to discrimination.


Dat Guy ! said...

Once again, on target.

Everything you've said is true.
Personal experience with the Mental Health facilities (in California; Marin Country [High income bracket place!]:

They cut Medi-cal funding for Therapists, and went to Out-patient Hospital care. There wasn't one therapist left, who was accepting Medi-Cal for a 55 minute session.

The effect this had upon the community, and those in need was staggering.

The Hospital was difficult for alot of people to get to, and the influx of those seeking treatment,set up a waiting period, play-it-by-the-numbers game.

Doctor had less "paperwork" and "red-tape"...but, the costs were greater without the coverage & avalability.

Your post, answers the questions very well. I hope you don't mind my expounding upon one aspect of your answers.

THanks, for raising the issue of stigmas. It's going to take a while, but I think people are becoming more & more informed...because, of people like you..and, I'll it..Me.


head above water said...

For sure...and I am such an advocate of the stigma situation. To me stigma kills, dramatic maybe, but sometimes I feel it's as if a knife is being thrust right through me. People discard your character, personality and jump the puddle to what they want to think and that's us termed as "looney-tunes".

Anonymous said...

Oh, my! I didn't realise! I used my Res blog nic!


Res is "OnlyLivingBoyFromNewYork"

(yeah, I wanted to start a fun blog. Probably not your cup of tea though [blush])

Take care,
bill b.

Roxy said...

The effects of being mentally ill, can be devastating for all the individauls.

head above water said...

rock said it right.