Saturday, April 14, 2007

SITGMA - In the Workplace

Considering so many people have such difficulty opening up to people close to them, it's no wonder that there are real fears about being stigmatized in the workplace. The cost of mental illness in the workplace is enormous: 30 to 40 per cent of disability claims are for mental illness, and the losses amount to about $33 billion a year, not including treatment and health care—plus the unknowable costs in lost productivity by those people who suffer in silence.

Employees should think carefully about how much and to whom they are planning to disclose information. If an employee is performing a job well despite a mental illness, then there would be no obligation to disclose his/her condition. In fact, the benefits and risks of disclosing should be carefully weighed before any action is taken.

Sharing information with co-workers is a matter of personal choice. Trust is the issue, and although there is always talk among co-workers, be wise when or if you choose to disclose. This could be detrimental to your future with your company. Really ask yourself – am I going to be farther along by disclosing or just remain silent. Will it hurt or harm? And is it worth it?
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Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

You really need to publish this as a book - you have a wealth of knowledge, write clearly, without sentiment, but very movingly. I love this blog... everyone should read it! Don't ever stop -

head above water said...

Thx Carol. And I did begin the perils of me and mental illness, writing furiously with the aid of my treasured journals. However, research indicated a slew of books on mental illness, and thought who would want to hear, yet again another 'diary'. Thx for the compliment though.