Thursday, April 19, 2007

Insomnia and Depression are Linked

Research has shown that insomnia is actually a risk factor for depression. Studies indicate that people with insomnia who got help for their sleep problems had a lower incidence of major depression a year later than those who had left their insomnia untreated. One of the aspects of depression is feeling powerless over your life. Feeling unable to manage your sleep only adds to that feeling. In addition, people who are taking stimulating antidepressants as part of their treatment for depression may have trouble falling or staying asleep. In some cases another type of antidepressant with sedating properties can be added at night.


david mcmahon said...

Hi from Australia,

Yours is always a great site to read.

You do a terrific job.

David aka aussiejourno

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

Good, sound reporting, as usual Debs.

head above water said...

David, thanks for visiting and the compliment.

head above water said...

Shrink...thanks once again, and also thanks for the regular visits to this blog.