Thursday, March 29, 2007

JOURNALING - Thoughts on Paper

My first diary dates back to 1972. I was in high school and not enjoying life a great deal. The majority of my entries were depressing and distressing, and this seemed my only avenue to express feelings. I have been somewhat devoted to my journaling throughout the years, and cherish them written throughout my darkest, blackest depression days. Lengthy days spent in hospitals, which included charting extensive medications prescribed and daily feelings were recorded. Memory loss can be recaptured now due to journal entries. Even though I am on my road to recovery, I still record daily, as for me it has become a habit.

The journal itself doesn’t have to be an expensive, leather-bound book – mine is an inexpensive spiral ‘4 subject book’ purchased at a department store. Keep in mind this is YOUR journal.

Getting Started

Find a comfortable chair or seat yourself at the kitchen table. Clear your mind. Relax. Let your thoughts and emotions flow freely. It is important that you do not censor yourself as you write. Do not worry about grammar or punctuation errors. Put every thought onto the page.

What should I write about?

Everyone is different. Some write daily in a journal, others weekly. Just remember, this is your journal and you may write as you wish. Writing in daily diary type form suits some, while others choose a topic each day. But either way, let your mind go, start writing words, and most of all, follow your feelings.

Ask yourself, using one day as an example, did something happen to perhaps upset me, or was it more of a joyful day. Include: thoughts and desires, what are you most afraid of or afraid of not doing. Unresolved issues?

How can a journal help me?

Self-discovery ~~ Writing consistently in a journal can give you a deeper connection with your own inner self.

Less stress ~~ Releasing all your inner thoughts and anxieties through writing can help release unwanted stress.

Courage to pursue your passion ~~ Knowing what you want to do with your life is the first step in making it happen.

Understanding the past ~~ Journaling can bring up many issues in life that are still unresolved. Writing about them helps take you to a place of forgiveness and healing.

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